

Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2011 - A TRIPLE Challenge Month

30 for 60, Back to Basics, and now Fit for 2012. Since they all seem to have similar goals, I figured I'd just do all three challenges. I have a lot of goals for this month, and there's no better way to make sure I accomplish them than by posting about it. At the end of December I'll go back and see what I accomplished.


1. PR in a 5K
This one should hopefully be easy to accomplish. My 5K PR right now is a 29:02. So close to 29:00...yet so far. My training runs have been going well, and I have a 5K next weekend, so hopefully with the right fuel I'll be okay.

2. Eat more vegetables + fewer processed foods
I have the most disgusting diet in the world. When I was in New York living with my mom, all I ate was processed foods. Frozen chicken nuggets, pizza, potato chips. I want to revamp my diet a bit, and eat more healthy foods. I've already cut soda out of my diet, but next up is to add in more fruits and vegetables.

3. Sleep like a normal person
Being unemployed means that I run on my own schedule. This means I can stay up watching TV till all hours of the night, and I take full advantage of that. The way I live right now is that I stay up till 3-4:00 AM, and I have to set my alarm to force myself to get up at noon. Anything earlier than that and I physically can't get out of bed. I'm going to try to go to bed earlier, and hopefully have some kind of a normal sleep cycle.

4. Stretch
I never stretch. NEVER. The one time I was forced to stretch, it was when I went through 6 weeks of PT for patellar tendinitis. I've run 4 half marathons, and I can't even come close to touching my toes.

5. Finish the challenges
This should be the easiest...and most difficult. Simply to finish the challenges. I'm not saying I need to be perfect, but even during bad days I need to not give up and blow everything.

6. Hit 500 miles for 2011
I spent the better part of this year injured, so this total won't be as high as I'd like. Still, I'm at 464.2. I go back to New York (and the freezing weather) on Christmas Eve, so the more miles I get in before then, the better my shot.

So those are the key goals I have. I'm sure I'll come up with more, but for now these are the key points I want to hit.

What are your December goals? If you're on Twitter, I HIGHLY recommend you join in on one of the challenges: #FitFor2012, #30For60, #Back2Basics

1 comment:

  1. #6. You can hit this goal! You definitely can. You have 29 days (or 22 if you're stopping at Christmas Eve) to go 36 miles...I know you can do this.
